Now that I have your attention......

Georgia, United States
Hello. My name is Carrie. I’ve never in my life written on a blog or forum. Not to sound mean, but I always kinda thought blogs were for people that are a bit high on themselves. I you REALLY think anyone cares what you had for dinner last night? Do you REALLY think anyone cares about you going to the dentist yesterday? Chances are, they don’t. And that’s why I decided to start my own blog. I am a very outspoken person. I tell it like it is. Always have. Always will. I am passionate about politics, America, freedom, common sense, and the truth.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

So, what's this blog gonna be about, anyway?

I'll just start this party off from the beginning....
The title of my blog....

“The Naked Truth.”

The Truth. Just as it is.

I knew when I was considering starting a blog that I wanted to have the word “truth” in the title of my blog... in some sort of fashion.
And the word "naked"...let's be TRUTHful... it usually grabs anyone's attention.

I also wanted to choose a background that represents the truth.

Then it all pretty much fell into my lap.

Why do I have a background of a naked woman holding
a mirror, you might ask?
 “The Truth“ (La Vérité), is an oil painting from 1870 painted by a French artist named Jules Joseph Lefebvre.

The painting was actually the first small scale model made by Lefebvre's fellow-Frenchman Frédéric Bartholdi for what became the Statue of Liberty.

So....a blog about the naked truth.... and a naked woman holding a mirror which is the conventional symbol for the truth.... ALSO being tied to the Statue of Liberty. I mean...duh. Lol. It all just made sense.

Which brings me to my next reason for starting this blog.

The Statue of Liberty. THE symbol for freedom.

How great it is that we live in a country that is free.

Too many people today are taking that privilege for granted and I am sick of it.

The reason I created this blog was to tell it like it is.

This will be a nitty gritty blog.

I will not talk about recipes... unless they’re REALLY good ;p   and I will not talk about my everyday life.

I will talk about politics, freedom, and the way things ARE instead of the way people CLAIM them to matter how big or how small.

You know.... truths.

I hold very conservative beliefs.
I believe that the future of this country is headed in a HORRIBLE direction.

And yes, I am aware that everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
I'm not saying that MY way is the RIGHT way.
But it probably is. Lol!
And you will need to be thick-skinned while reading my blogs.
While trying to respect one's opinions, I don't sugarcoat a single thing and I try to have a sense of humor about anything I have to say.

My hope for this blog is that I can reach out to people that are and are NOT like me.

I love to debate and I will debate with anyone that actually uses common sense.

I’m not as educated in politics and religion as I would like to be.

In regards to politics, I try to just use the space that God gave me that rests between my ears and go from there.

Common sense and the truth.

And it's not all going to be "boring stuff" as some might call it.
I’ll also throw in some funnies, of course. I believe I have a pretty good sense of humor and I can definitely take a joke.
Life is too crazy to NOT laugh about it.

One of my favorite quotes is this...

“A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road.” - Henry Ward Beecher

So, long story short (TOO LATE!), I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you and hopefully not ticking any of you off too bad. ;p















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